Sunday, March 8, 2009

Group 3 Gender Power Discussion

Observer A's Perspective
This discussion has been interesting to me. We pretty much came to an agreement on both subjects. Most of us got our beliefs from how we were raised. Even coming from two different generations (at least I think), I found that when I was a little girl I had been raised by a mother who grew up in the Ozzy and Harriet generation. My mother didn't work and my father supplied us with all the necessary means we needed in life. He was a man of power and distinction. Things are totally different now. The power in the house is often shared by both. It has made a huge impact on how a teenager of today might see their future prospects. Not so much gendered now. I grew up (in the 70's) with the aspects of becoming a "secretary" later on in life. That was pretty big for me to think about. I thought it was a powerful position for a girl back then. Now when you ask girls what they want to be (my daughter for instance) you get a wide assortment of positions that are more liberating. Lawyer, Architect, Chef or Orthodontist are a few that she is tossing around in her mind. Today it is not unlikely to see women aspiring for positions as Engineer or others that would make them more money. I see the generational gap closing a great deal because of discussions that we are having currently in life and in this class. Be who you want to be, It is good to see. Women with power are seen more and more in current media. It is the wave of the future. FINALLY!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed "Group 3" and all of our diccusions, on how we agreed on certain aspects of gender and power compared to what we did not agree on and why! Being from the way we were raised to the beliefs that are enforced from family and society.

    i really enjoyed hearing your "side" of gender and power being raised in a different time and ideas compared to "my" generation.

    Group 3 was interesting and insightful, i am happy i was able to have to oppurtunity to see two different sides of the ideas of what gender and power really means.
